News & Updates


March 9, 2021 - By CCI South Alberta

VIRTUAL MEETING AMENDMENT PROPOSED Government of Alberta Introduces Bill 53

The Alberta Government has put forward Bill 53 today (March 9, 2021). If passed the legislative amendment could open provisions for condominium corporations to use digital technology to hold electronic meetings.

In Spring 2020, the Government of Alberta suspended the requirement for an organization to meet in-person to protect the public’s health and safety through the Public Health Act which ended in August 2020.  These proposed changes to the legislative amendments would be retroactive to correspond with the expiration of the Public Health Act.

Condominium corporations whose bylaws allow for online meeting and voting protocols, bylaws will not require changes. However, if the corporation’s bylaws prohibit these virtual meeting conditions and the corporation wants to meet and vote electronically, changes would be necessary to ensure their corporation bylaws align with the proposed legislation.

For more information: News Release LINK     |     Bill LINK

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PO BOX 38107, Calgary, AB T3K 4Y0
Tel 403 253-9082 • Email