Awards & Recognition

Award Descriptions

Condo of the Year

Love your condo? Is it a great place to live? Your condo could be our CONDO of the YEAR!

Idea suggestions:
Selection Process:


Volunteer of the Year

Volunteers are the backbone of our industry. Give them the recognition that they deserve! Nominate your best volunteer for the CCI-South Alberta Chapter's Volunteer of the Year Award. 

Criteria for nomination:
Selection Process:

Distinguished Service Award (DSA)

The Distinguished Service Award, ("DSA") was created to honour individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the Canadian Condominium Institute or the condominium community either at the chapter or national level. It is a national honourary designation to be awarded to those deserving individuals who, by their volunteer work or other achievements have brought distinction to CCI, exemplify the standards that CCI promotes and serve as a positive role model for others. It is important that, as their peers, we recognize these friends of CCI for the time and effort they have contributed to our organization and community.


Fellow of the Canadian Condominium Institute (FCCI)

The Canadian Condominium Institute may elevate a CCI Professional Associate to the status of Fellow of the Canadian Condominium Institute. Fellowship was created to recognize and honour associates whose meritorious service to the institute or the condominium community best exemplifies the standards expected by CCI of its professional members.

The individual must be nominated by three (3), members in good standing of CCI. The nominee shall NOT be advised of his or her nomination in advance. The nomination form issued by the National Board must be used and be fully completed.


Only one individual from each Chapter may be nominated for FCCI status per fiscal year.


© 2025 CCI South Alberta Chapter
PO BOX 38107, Calgary, AB T3K 4Y0
Tel 403 253-9082 • Email