About & Mission Statement

CCI South Alberta's Mission Statement

“To lead condominium owners and industry members through education and advocacy with integrity and professionalism.”

Who We Are

The Canadian Condominium Institute is the Voice of Condominium in Canada. Formed in 1982, CCI remains the only national condominium focused association. We have four major objectives:

A. To Educate

B. To Develop Standards

C. To Offer Referral Resources

D. To Improve Legislation

CCI operates primarily through Chapters across the country. The National membership meets once each fall for the Annual General Meeting, held in Toronto. Day to day business at the National level is conducted through the National Board, its Executive, and various standing and ad hoc committees.

We are proud to be an independent, non-profit organization dealing exclusively with condominium issues.

About CCI South Alberta

The Canadian Condominium Institute is the Voice of Condominium in Canada. It is a national, independent, non-profit organization dealing exclusively with condominium issues. Formed in 1982, CCI represents all participants in the condominium community. Interested groups are encouraged to work together toward one common goal -- creating a successful and viable condominium community.

CCI South Alberta's Mission Statement is “To lead condominium owners and industry members through education and advocacy with integrity and professionalism.”

CCI... Working for You

Working on behalf of the condominium industry and its residents, CCI's objectives are:


© 2025 CCI South Alberta Chapter
PO BOX 38107, Calgary, AB T3K 4Y0
Tel 403 253-9082 • Email admin@ccisouthalberta.com